Meet Miss Perfect...the world's oldest living NEW SHADE frenchie. Created with passion by the Bullboss, productions of the all loved Brutus Legacy.
In December of 2018, a special part of Donfrenchies, in the form of Brutus Legacy, made its way into our world.
When eyes were first laid on her, the unique colour of the aptly named pups coat, was obvious, and the excitement started to bubble.
After realising how perfect this moment and that little pup was, Miss Perfect was named, and it was here the Bullboss entered the path, starting his and the whole world's NEW SHADE journey!
The genetics of this shade are simply, CHOCOLATE. Testable chocolate and Coco (formerly non-testable chocolate) are what creates the base for the all important New Shade gene, whereas lilac is a dilution of blue.
Therefore the shades that can be achieved with New Shade range from visible new shade, with the gorgeous, intense, ginger chocolate to a New Shade with the ability to produce a whole range of chocolate dogs.
Going back to Brutus story, you can see how the Bullboss' brain started whirring...and the wondering became his new shade prodigy. With isabella big on the scene...imagine the satisfaction, when new shade arrived. Next level breedings have landed. With the ability to create new shade Isabellas...the floodgates have well & truly been opened.
Direct Brutus son...this boy is a desirable, next generation accomplishment of the new shade genesis. With exceptional tan points, to compliment his wavy, new shade fur. This boy is a distinct example of the class and characteristics that new shade DNA can inject into your home or programme.